
Self-evaluation: the weeks in figures

There's a new type of inspection now, which is more heavily dependent on self-evaluation by the schools (-"We're great, really! No problems to concern you with!"). In preparation for a surprise visit by Her Majesty's Inspectorate, I've decided to keep my own self-evaluations up to date on a weekly basis.

September 2005: Week One

Bouts of insomnia: 1
Number of nights asleep before 10pm: 2
Incidents of behaviour by pupils requiring a raised voice from me: 2
Papercuts: several

September 2005: Week Two

Bouts of insomnia: 1
Number of nights asleep before 10pm: 2
Incidents of behaviour by pupils requiring a raised voice from me: several, but was too weary to raise my voice at times
Feelings of disgruntlement against senior management: 2
Detentions issued: 1
Sets of books marked: 3
Feelings of misery associated with the job: one big blue day
Papercuts: several
Attempts to tidy my desk: 3
Covering for absent colleagues: 1 lesson

September 2005: Week Three

Papercuts: several small, one deep and bloody
Time queuing for the photocopier: approximately 3 @ 20 minutes = 1 hour
Time risking my fingers by poking them into photocopier to extract jammed paper: 12 minutes
Number of times I despaired at the lack of professionalism in other staff (the irony!): 4
Detentions issued: 4
Mobile phones confiscated: 1
Sets of books marked: 3
Cover lessons: 1
Courses I've been told to attend this half term: 3
Number of times I've resented the fact I can't take a day off when I need one: 1

September 2005: Week Four

Time spent on duty when I should be sipping tea: 1 hour 40 minutes
Number of detentions issued: 2
Sets of books marked: 2
Number of nights asleep before 10pm: 2
Piles of vomit cleared up: 1
Times I've thought I'm about to come down with something: 3
Incidents of behaviour by pupils requiring a raised voice from me: far too many to count
Times a mobile phone has rung in the lesson, and it being the pupil's mother: 1

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added 1/10/05

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