
Report Writing Season

It’s been a year since I whinged about report writing, and yet here it is again: the end of year reports are demanding to be written, and once again we find ourselves frustrated because we can’t really say what we mean.

At other times of the year the reports we send home are a more straightforward selection of grades from A to E, perhaps with some summative comments thrown in. The end of year reports are a much grander affair, and we have lists of comments to choose from, depending on whether we think the child is an A grade or an E. Therefore an A grade comment might read something like “He has produced some excellent homework which has shown his depth of insight into the topic” but an E grade comment might be “Lack of organisation and commitment has meant that he has failed to hand in much of the homework this year”. Having the wording already figured out is meant to save us time but it also means that there isn’t much room for flexibility or individuality. Plus, the comments aren’t really what I mean at all. Here is what I have in mind when I grade the pupils I teach:


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added 11/6/06

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